The world in 2189 was vastly different from the one that existed a century earlier. Energy technology advancements have led to the widespread adoption of clean, sustainable energy sources, bringing about several positive changes.
One of the most significant changes was the elimination of the dependence on dirty fuels that had plagued the world for so long. Countries no longer had to worry about being held hostage by those who controlled the supply of fossil fuels, and the economies of many nations were no longer held back by the high energy cost.
With the roll-out of fusion energy on a massive scale, people worldwide could readdress their ancestors’ mistakes and start to make amends for the damage that had been done to the planet. The air was finally clean, and the smog that had once obscured the cities was no longer a problem.
People no longer had to wear masks to protect themselves from harmful particles in the air. Instead, they could breathe deeply and enjoy the fresh air surrounding them. The cities were beautiful again, and the people who lived there were healthier and happier than ever.
Fusion energy truly changed the world for the better, and people everywhere were grateful for the incredible advancements that had been made.
With the developing world growing at an unprecedented rate, a new system of governance was required to oversee its growth and ensure a sustainable future for all. It was decided that a council of Nine World Leaders would be appointed, each representing a different region of the world. These leaders would serve the entire human race to promote the greater good.
The council members were chosen for their expertise and experience in various fields, including science, technology, economics, and environmental management. They were given the mandate to make decisions that would benefit all of humanity and not just the interests of a specific nation or group.
One of the fundamental principles of the council was that no single member would hold all the power, and all decisions would be made by consensus. This meant that every decision could be made with the approval of all the other council members, ensuring that the interests of all people were taken into account.
With 12 billion inhabitants, the World Leaders were faced with the daunting task of ensuring that everyone had access to enough food and water to survive. They knew they had to find innovative solutions to these problems to succeed.
One of the most effective solutions was building huge desalination plants to extract fresh, clean water from the oceans. This water was then piped across vast stretches of land, transforming deserts into lush, fertile regions that could support the growth of crops.
World Leaders also recognized the importance of the environment and took steps to protect it.
They established forests along the perimeters of cultivated land, which helped to breathe oxygen back into the atmosphere, which had been poisoned by the actions of previous generations.
These forests also provided habitats for species that were thought to have gone extinct and helped preserve biodiversity.
The Earth now had no borders, and the concept of countries as they were known before was no longer relevant. People were free to move, live, and work wherever they wanted.